Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Homemade Vegan Tortillas

The Chef: Abby

The Menu: Yeah, you read that right. One of the many, many reasons why Abby is the world's best associate editor is that she does things like make homemade tortillas. In the office. In less than an hour. In-freaking-credible. Really, what's on top of these tortillas, delicious as it was, came in a far second place to the 'tillas themselves, but for the sake of posterity, we topped them with brown rice, black beans, sauteed zucchini and broccoli, and baked sweet potatoes. And, of course, there was a beautiful mixed-greens salad alongside, with halved cherry tomatoes and sunflower seeds.

The Goods: Um, we are dead. The September+October issue just arrived fresh from the printer, and we are just a little bit beside ourselves with glee. If anyone needs us, we'll be under our desks in fits of excitement.


Eddie G said...


Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

I love making tortillas! This looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

This is one of my fav posts. I love mexican food and these tortillas look amazing!