The Chef: Brooke
The Menu: Basmati rice and edamame with Braggs, and watermelon for dessert.
The Goods: I've never, ever, claimed to be a chef. I don't think it's because my mother hasn't tried to teach me, and it's certainly not because I don't like eating, but rather I just enjoy simple foods more than anything else. I come home from a long day at the VNHQ, and nothing sounds better than some steamed rice or a PBJ. That's what I did last night, and thus that's what I had for lunch. The edamame was an amazing addition, as was the watermelon that my ever-gracious roommate cut up for us. It was a perfect light lunch for a heavily exciting day as we edge toward the final hour of voting for the Veggie Awards—polls close tonight at midnight PST, so be sure to vote and let your voice be heard!