The Menu: It's official: Ms. Stacy has mastered the VNHQ style of cooking, which is basically summarized as the I'll-cook-whatever-I-can-find-in-the-fridge method. From a few humble ingredients she pulled together the lovely meal you see above, which consisted of roasted Brussels sprouts and dinosaur kale, and a filling, slightly sweet quinoa salad with cinnamon-roasted delicata squash, craisins, and avocado. Yes, the word you're looking for here is "yum."
The Goods: It's the end of a long week here at the VNHQ, and we couldn't have been happier with this send-off meal. We learned that quinoa, while technically not a grain, is often considered the fastest-cooking grain, which makes it extra handy for days when you're short on time and long on stuff to do. If it weren't for said stuff, we all could have stayed outside in the warm sunshine the rest of the day!