The Chef: Elizabeth
The Menu: A savory, scrumptious curried-pumpkin pasta. With some sautéed garlic, onions, sage, and curry powder, this simple pumpkin sauce was thick and velvety. Topped with Corn Flake crumbs, this dish might have been a mac 'n' cheese variation, just maybe. It's not like we know anyone in this office who is obsessed with mac 'n' cheese, of course. For a salad, Elizabeth grated some fresh zucchini, chopped a little Swiss chard, and tossed some tomato over butter lettuce. Oh, and is that a slice of bread slathered with garlic dipping sauce? Yes, yes it is. That is what happens when there are conversations in the office about garlic sauces shortly before lunch.
The Goods: Today we got another dose of gorgeous sunshine, which was made all the more enjoyable by our guest, Mr. Gene Baur, whom some of you may know from a little operation called Farm Sanctuary. (In fact, we know that many of you are already fans of Farm Sanctuary, since you voted them Favorite Animal Sanctuary in the 2008 Veggie Awards, which were just announced today!) Congrats to Gene, the rest of the Farm Sanctuary team, and all the other Veggie Award winners! Be sure to keep an eye out for the November+December issue of VegNews, which should be hitting newsstands this week to see who all won.
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