The Menu: Today we were treated to the work of two chefs, which kind of means that we ate a hodgepodge meal. Elizabeth made a blended vegetable soup with caramelized onions, carrots, celery, and garbanzo beans, and sliced up celery and carrots for colorful crudités. Moira, whom you may remember from yesterday's truffles, also whipped up some utterly incredible spanakopita and tzatziki, which we excitedly devoured. Even the road trip back from LA didn't hinder the absolute yumminess of Moira's treats. And yes, the crudités were basically created as vehicles for the tzatziki.
The Goods: Today's meal was meant to be somewhat light, since we have what you might call "plans" this evening. The whole crew will be at Millennium, enjoying the very first VN Speaker Series event, featuring Jeffrey Masson and his new book, The Face on Your Plate. The event is totally sold out, and we can't wait to see everyone there!