The Menu: Sweet potato and peanut soup, courtesy of Ms. Sarah Premo. This rich and savory blend of sweet potatoes, red potatoes, red bell pepper, ground peanuts, and stewed tomatoes, was just a little bit spicy and a whole lot delicious. Dare we say super? You know that we do. The cheezy little pizza triangles you see alongside came fresh from the freezer—that's right, they are Amy's Non-Dairy Cheeze Rice Crust Pizza. The rice crust was surprisingly sweet and hearty, and the cheeze melted to perfection. A big salad of romaine, orange bell pepper, and cherry tomatoes finished off the totally satisfying meal.
The Goods: Yep, sometimes people just stop by and bring us tasty meals, and really, who are we to argue? Sarah doesn't even work in-house, she's just that nice of a lady. In the spirit of giving, we are officially announcing the first-ever monthly Café VegNews giveaway contest!
Here's how it works: on the last day of every month we'll be awarding some awesome goodies. Oh, you would like to know how said goodies could become your goodies? Each month we'll pose a question, and the person who posts the best comment answer will be the winner. (Best by VN editors' standards, of course.) This month, we'll be sending out a fantastic VegNews tote bag chock-full of swag. Cookies? Yes. Stellar vegan products? You betcha. More surprises in store? But of course!
The Question: What's your favorite comfort meal on a cold, rainy day? Of course, we're only interested in vegan dishes!