The Chef: Elizabeth
The Menu: Oh let's see. It looks like maybe some fall tomato bisque, some little bites of crostini with roasted red pepper and broccoli spreads, and oh, why look, it's an absolutely phenomenal mac 'n' cheese. Seriously, this is the best thing you'll put in your mouth this year. Creamy, savory, and crispy—thanks to some freshly made bread crumbs—this mac is wonderful for all the things it is, but the secret of its success lies in what it isn't. Curious? Don't fret, the recipe is in our January+February issue, but you'll have to wait until then.
The Goods: It's been getting steadily colder here in SF. Short of wrapping ourselves in afghans and calling in sick, this warm, hearty meal was the best way to feel cozy and comforted. Of course, a lunch of this caliber wouldn't have been complete without a delicious drink in a supporting role, and thankfully we are testing out Silk's new Pumpkin Spice flavor. Check out the November edition of the VegNewsletter for a full review!
Buddy (Elizabeth Castoria) (yes, you) - I am proud of you - this blog is amazing. Makes me want to eat nonmeat things - which is a great feat in itself. You know how I feel about flesh.
So, all those years watching me and Mom in the kitchen are paying off, even if some of the ingredients are different.
We're proud that you work for something that you believe in, and are spreading the news about health and environmental issues (esp. food).
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